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Thursday, April 27, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? {something good}
&; HEAR WHAT? {a thousand miles by vanessa carlton}

hey people.. first time blogging and posting here.. hmmm. astrid here lar..
dont know what to say larh.
cos i dont use blogger anymore.. havent blogged at my www.gurlfriend-city.blogspot.com for a long time.. dont know. haha. maybe i shall upload some pics.
remember this picture from music?? hahaha.

oh and another one about gays and hetros.. hahaha. right.

and my favourite ball--- the rugby ball. :) yay i love rugby. cos it made me tanner. riight. huh.
yarr. that should be it.
2E chronicles is damn funny. hahaha. yarr.
hmmm. dont know what else to blog..
go tag okay. haha

<3 russell

2Express @ 7:03 pm

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? wheee
&; HEAR WHAT? Rosa Rubicundior Lilio Candidior - Abarai Renji

Hello. I am teh salad. Yah who else listens to jap music?

Anyway. I would like to bring to you an excerpt from my latest... writing attempt. Charlene apparently keeled over after reading it. So... Yah. If you want the rest ask me on MSN - senbon.zakura @ hotmail.com

It is from the POV of lowser

"I trod up the stairs slowly. A sigh escapes my dry lips. Soon, I will step into hell on earth. It escapes me, how anyone can think that anyone from 2e is an angel. While their grades might be the tops, their attitude… it eludes me, ah, it elu-

Someone shoves me aside, but only throws me a sideways glance before skittering off once more. I recognize that face. It’s Amree. My History Rep, the one who tops every history test. I make the long journey past the lockers, watching as the students of MGS scurry around, hearing the click of an open lock and the slamming doors making a din. Not to mention the screaming girls playing tag along the corridor."


2Express @ 6:14 pm

Sunday, April 23, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? oopsss - written by hui ting
&; FEEL WHAT? :(
&; HEAR WHAT? channel news asia's news :D

Hey ppl!!!

LOL. We haven't blogged for days man!!! Tell me, who already started revising??!?! I haven't. & I'm starting today :D I hope at least I can finish 2 chapters for science cuz there's very little time for me to revise :/ so yeah. I slept almost the whole day today. Went to church, came back, ate, slept, woke up, slept, woke up, and ate :D HAHA. Nvm. I'm feeling so ****. I don't know. *shrugs shoulders* Everybody started revising except me :( And I'm feeling so zhao1 ji2 already... Oh wells... I'm going to revise already... wish me all the best that I can at least revise at least 2 chapters for science today ^.^!!! HAHA.

Signing off...
Hui Ting :D

2Express @ 7:25 pm

Sunday, April 16, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? completely useless post



Jesus Lives ♥! :DDD

- totally bleached salad! (i love chapter 12 for science because it mentions bleach. NaClO. Ummmm x])

2Express @ 10:20 am

Saturday, April 15, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? happy & sad
&; HEAR WHAT? someone switching off the light

Hey ppl!

The tag board was kind of confusing. LOL. First, the fake Mrs Ong was actually bleach salad & the fake Mrs Ng was Rivali. Then suddenly this "Ms Cheah" appeared in the tag board. :P So confusing. And we do not know whether this Ms Cheah real or not. :P HAHA. Maybe, maybe not. But how will the real Ms Cheah know our blog website?!

Anyway, enough about the Ms Cheah and the Mrs Ng thing. HAHA. Today was so fun!! Guess what?! I spited my brother. And now I'm like SO HAPPY. For breakfast he took away half of my share, lunch he took away my half of my share. HUMPH! And I had gastric in the end :( So painful okay! So, at night, when he was doing his work, I played the piano with pedals very loudly until he could not concentrate (FOR 45 MINUTES). Means that actually I play very nicely without the pedals! HAHA. Oops. :P HAHA. I'm so happy. He even went to my mum and complained. HAHA. :))))) I'm such a saddist. Nevermind. I have to admit that actually the music sounded very bad with the pedals throughout the whole song(s). HAHA. :P

Ok ppl! I feel... umm... SO HAPPY. Oops. I have been repeating the words SO HAPPY over and over again :P Who cares anyway?! I don't.

Bye! Got to go!

<333 Hui Ting

2Express @ 9:31 pm

Thursday, April 13, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? happy day
&; FEEL WHAT? happy and kinda slacking
&; HEAR WHAT? nth

haha....where is the "say what" template uh? only have the "feel what" and "hear what" ....ahh nevermind...yay swim meets are over and this is my first time blogging here...haha...please link me http://little-zhang.blogspot.com hint hint sarah...now u noe wad to do! heehee...cos i have no idea how to link myself, and only u can do rite? weeee...i feel so relaxed but kinda worried for the next few weeks..."exams" and stuff...ohh well, we will survive!
OKIE....bye now:]

2Express @ 2:50 pm

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? nic here
&; FEEL WHAT? sleepy
&; HEAR WHAT? wo yuan yi hahaha the love concierge song

HEY 2E!!!!!!!!!

this blog rocks so much!!!! just like us!!! yay!!!oh my!!! today's party was damn funny la!!!!! miss cheah should have cried tho haha. but love calculator was the funniest... oh my rivali, you actually printed it out! haha.
so sad today didn't have com studies.. cannot do the trailer but at least could see david in DJW hahaha. now xiao will go on bout " quite nice" and "oooooorchard road" haha so lame. go kap again too see the advert. anw.. just wanna congratulate everyone for doing so well in chem.. hahaha.. saying this cos' i got 21.. but still really happy cos' i got 19 for my last test!!! congrats to lianne, xiao, astrid and steph for getting full marks lol. you guys are damn smart la. anw, hope this blog will not die off like the one dee blog haha... it's so stagnant now.. ok i gtg now bye yall!!!

love, nic-wig

2Express @ 7:55 pm

&; SAY WHAT? hahahahaha(:
&; FEEL WHAT? hyper!
&; HEAR WHAT? some stupid cartoonie show thats on on the tv outside

oh hello(:today was the first time i went to see the 2E blog!haha!this blogs so cool!i like the skin!haha.dunno what to say. just wanna see how to put words behind the "&; SEE WHAT?" etc.cos huiting asked me.haha.hyyperrr!no more school from tomorrow til monday!hai.but next week got pft.and 2.4.five item.bleah.



2Express @ 6:14 pm

&; FEEL WHAT? the keyboard
&; HEAR WHAT? my breathing


I can't believe that I'm writing a post now cuz I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever (X infinity times) blogged before :/ except tagging. haha. :P This blog is so cooooool man! I'm going to blog here everyday if I can!

Just came back from bowling :) Today I bowled quite badly :(((( But nvm! Who cares?!?! I DON't CARE. haha.

Yay! Tomorrow don't have lessons! Yoo hoo! Freedom is just sooooooo WONDERFUL! Can you believe it?! NO LESSONS! It's FREEDOM, ppl! Cooped up in class listening to the teachers' nagging & blabbering is like worese than PRISON! I'm so HAPPY! ^^ Wheeeee...! But I have piano lessons after that :( boohoohooo. Hai... (I think some ppl won't understand what this means) SIGH...


<333333, TiNg

P.S. 2E makes the world go round!

2Express @ 5:36 pm

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? evil
&; HEAR WHAT? evil

See no evil...
Hear no evil...
Speak no evil.....
Impossible when Rivali's around.....

Should i say that when i introduce myself????/

niwayz... the cockroach thing went SO WRONG!!!!!!!!! I guess it would have been okay if i hadn't thrown it into the air..... Loh was really angry and i was scared..... for like one milliscond..... You know he has this mole on his chin with a few hairs sticking out??? It wobbles when hes pissed... haha....

Its not the same without ppl like Bat, Tiffy, Renjean, etc......

Ya know that we were playing Captain's Balls during tennis and Xing Yi (sotong) was the person on the chair.and then she dint catch quite alot of balls so we were all like wondering what was wrong. Then we asked her why she wasn't catching the balls? You know wat she sed????

I mean come on Sotong!!!! :)


ps: we were planning 4 Ms. Cheah's bday thing then Zhang Hui was like " lets get this big sponge and cover it in whipped cream then smash it into her face...."

Thats really evil.... ZHANG BEING EVIL?!?!?!?!?!!??????!!!??????
niwayz... she was INALLY promoted to grade 4 in the morons academy......



Die Die Die!!!!

2Express @ 7:44 pm

Monday, April 10, 2006
&; HEAR WHAT? 2E!!

HEY 2E!!

ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! HAHAHA thanks 2e for making it so special! haha to all the people who rmbred.. thank you!! :)

hmm.. but i dont feel much of a difference now that im 14 tho. haha but PFT IS DIFFERENT!! OH NO!!! haha.. oh wells. and then there was the squash finals.. WE WON!! go MG!! haha im almost deaf and my voice is half dead from all the screaming.. lol kk i have to go nows. sorry this is so short.

smiling always =)))))

char =D

2Express @ 7:34 pm

Sunday, April 09, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? tsk. tsk.
&; FEEL WHAT?burdened with hmk
&; HEAR WHAT? lots of f-words in a sentence cos my dad's watching jarhead at a real loud volume

hahaha. nice blog! register me quick sarah! hahahah. sigh....gots a lots of hmks to do..tsk tsk. cos i wasted my weekend away. lol. i'm scared for geog and lit test....how now?!?! i couldn't finish lit. didn't write abt friar laurence and count paris. eeeep. o.O and for geog.......i didn't study. hahaha. as usual. didn't study for bio, chem and geog. naughty lala! pppbbbbbbttthhh! owells. stupid neighbour upstairs is banging on her floor...which means banging from my ceiling...nuts. this is so annoying. lol. ANYWAY, have a great weekend guys, or at least what's left of it. and i'll cya in school :)

p.s. thanks so much sarah! nice one...*grins sheepishly*


2Express @ 6:08 pm

Saturday, April 08, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? annoyed that i have to study
&; HEAR WHAT? rainie yang :D


It's like quite a long time sinced I blogged anywhere.

I should start blogging again! :)

Heehee thanks salad for the pretty lay :D :D and of course ME for blogging? (I'm all egoistic again, thank you very much)

oh dear, i sound damn annoying. someone kill me now.

when is the icky book test? oh and tingxie! sigh. just had to ruin it all by asking what's for tingxie. how horrible of me.

seeya around!

Jermaine :)

P.S.: some idiot's banging pots. i think its my neighbour. how annoying.

2Express @ 3:25 pm

Friday, April 07, 2006
&; SAY WHAT? Aiyah...
&; FEEL WHAT? {dead and tired}
&; HEAR WHAT? {absolutely nothing 'cept the bloody news going on on channel 5 }

Hiii everybody ;D

me is soooo happy to be the 2nd person to post stuffies after the blog has been set up. i have a blog too but me abandoned it cos i was just too lazy. so this maybe the LAST time i ever write.haha.lol :P

International Friendship Day was a success!!! :D we collected 220.10 totally and spent 114.05 totally. sooo we made...uh...uh...uh...i think (if my maths is right) $106.05!!! thats a heck of a lot of money. you have gotta be proud 2e!! we did great ^_^

sighh...today the lit test was BAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD.. (spelt B-A-D for those people who don't know how to spell). i had SO MUCH TO WRITE ON LORD CAPULET AND NO TIME DAMMIT!!! NO TIME /:( I AM VERY MAD AND UPSET and of cpurse damn worried cos i don't wanna fail (who does?) but there was seriously no time at all..sigh.what to do. and to make matters worse, I just about passed the Parker Hamilton thingy. I honestly didn't understand a a word of that passsage and the questions were so totally un-related...but of course there are some SMART people who CLAIM they don't understand but get 21/25. i won't mention the name but I'll give you a hint : Starts with an "S' then an "A" then an "R" then an "A" and i won't say the last letter to protect the girl's identity)hahaa just kidding. you know i love you.

Crap. i better go. :(


2Express @ 10:21 pm

&; SAY WHAT? Irasshaimasu!
&; FEEL WHAT? Happy
&; HEAR WHAT? Younha - Ashita, Tenki ni nare

Hello hello! Say hello to our very own 2E BLOG! Yay! I finally got down to it XD Yeah. So you guys can post here.

If you have a blogger account already, then please tell me what email it is registered under so I can make you a "member" of this blog. Otherwise, please log in using:

username: two-express
password: ... come look for me in school or on MSN? ^^;;

Yup! ^__^ Happy early birthday Char!

2Express @ 7:50 pm