Thursday, July 27, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? helpful
Hey guys! I don't know how many fo you already know how to upload history, but I know Huiting and I took a while to find out! THANKS TING FOR FINDING IT! :D Well, for the sake fo everyone else.... here's how you do it!
Log into
LEAD, and be sure you're using INTERNET EXPLORER 4+ and not any other browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Safari or Opera. Trust me - you just can't log in. -___-. Yep. SO ANYWAY. Click on that arrow thingy on the right hand side of the page after logging in.
And now, you'll reach this page with a whole lot of links. Look for MY WORKSPACE...and under it, there's a link to go to Workspace. Click it. You should now be in your workspace.
Now look on the left side of the screen and you should see what is in the picture. Select the second option - Shared. You should reach a new page with listings...
Now, Select the one that has been circled in the image. I guess you could sbmit to the other one but it's not history so... I dunno. Better to be safe yeah. :D
Look for an "Upload file" button and click it so you get to a page where you can upload your work...
Now, Click browse and look for your work wherever you save dit, be it My Documents or... WHATEVER. You get what I mean.

Finally! CLick upload and the file will be uploaded and you can rejoice because it is 2.29pm on Friday, the very minute beofre the deadline! Yep. Remember to hand in your work before 2.30 on Friday. Best be before that or there might be a server jam with everyone trying to upload at the same time :)
Have fun everyone!
&; FEEL WHAT? blehh.
&; HEAR WHAT? there's nothing worth hearing now :(
ok. this is really funny k.

Saturday, July 22, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? dunno leh
&; HEAR WHAT? nothing leh
Hello 2e! :D How's everyone been despite the busy month huh? Busy? Haha. Okay most of us are, I know... for musical people especially! it's like NEXT WEEK.... and rehearsals are until so late at night!!! You know the ushers left yesterday at 11.45??? Crazy right? We wanted to stay overnight but ms kek didnt allow. lol!
Today was pretty fun :) Haha. Sorry to all of you guys int he science lab and library that Mr Tharman didn't go see... oh wells. He stopped at ours briefly and we talked for a while.. kinda odd. Could feel my ears turning red. >__<
Oh wells. Monday'll be another chance to present, yes? So go go go everyone!!!! ^^
Saturday, July 15, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? {mood?}
&; HEAR WHAT? {music?}
I wonder if I've ever blogged here before. Hahaha. Well. The last post whoever wrote seemed quite long ago (: But anyways, I'm here to blog and encourage our whole class (: I think we're getting really intellegent. And perhaps less blur. Sotong is less blur now, do you realise? Still blur, but less blur. (: YAY! We're all improving. There was this day when I was in grammar class, and everyone was so bored so I decided to write down what everyone was doing. Then I lost the list. OOPS. HEH. Maybe I'll write another? HEEEE. SHHHHHH. Next time I'll blog an entry on my list on this blog (: HEH HEH HEH. I do listen in class okay! I can so multi-task. Oh wells. 2E must strive for the best k! We will work harder and show all our teachers that we are really the best class! Good luck for year ends, and even though we all may not be in the same class, with some of you guys going ip, and others taking different subjects, may we remember all that fun we've had in 2E (: We rock (: HAHAHAHA. K k, shall go now, God Bless, taa~
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? hehe
&; HEAR WHAT? Olivia inspi' REIRA (Trapnest) - A little pain
Hey guys! Especially all who went for SYF! Haha. Here are the smaller versions of the pics Joyce sent. Enjoy :)))
P.S.: 18 minutes left!!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? :)))
&; HEAR WHAT? Wo de Ai - Stef Sun
Hey everyone. Here are all current versions of Paradise! Music by Rivali Dass and Lyrics by Rivali Dass and/or Salad
Paradise, _____________ (cant rememer)
the staffroom is a break
Let her go there for the good Lord's sake
Paradise, this place is paradise... NOT
Oh please let me go home,
Back to my TV, computer and phone
Lalalla... just get me out of here
Life Science:
Paradise, Life Science is Paradise... NOT
Oh please let me off..
Back to my clean record...
Lalala... just let me off right now
Physics (latest and by far most retardedest):
Paradise, Physics is Paradise.. NOT
I don't want to study...
Not convection nor conduction
Lalalala... not radiation too
HAHA. Okay so retarded. Anyway I'm so sad... I shall tell u why 13 is an unluckly number:
1) I can't go for musical rehearsal and they might let Route A ushers see Route B and I WANNA SEE IT.
2) We have ting xie
I used to be so afraid of my birthday. Especially the year it fell on a friday. Friday the 13th. brrr