Tuesday, August 29, 2006
hello :)
&; FEEL WHAT? happppyyy
&; HEAR WHAT? lalala
HELLLOOO 2e!! I saw smth funny in the newspaper yesterday! Surprise! It didnt land in that ever-growing pile at the back of the class :D
I actually did the sudoku at the back
albeit during.. now was it chinese or english? anyway! and i read a certain comment.. which is rather... interesting considering recent events.....
It went like this...
"the government doesnt care about what i write but...its the teachers!! perverted teachers visit students blog by searching their name on google!!"
XD Mr seow, dont worry, I'm not calling you perverted (cough, inside joke) since you didnt actually search for our blogs via google... nor ms ng for that matter... And I dont quite get how teachers can be perverted if they search for a student's blog. Oh well.
I just found this funny considering the defaming teachers thing... which isn't quite over yet is it? Oh and anyway, searching for Mr. Seow (that is, not even my own name) last time returned my blog -__-;; (it was nothing bad really.. just saying how we had a new teacher called mr melvin seow :D)
okay i've spouted enough rubbish to fill a land fill, so i shall take my leave :D oh yes yay we're decorating the staffroom tomorrow :D yay~ love decorating staffroom.. except when i'm always left out... like in primary school -__- i was the super outcast pri 6 prefect since i wasnt good friends (i didnt even know chu xiao hui existed. amazing huh) with the popular 6.4 prefects (ie xiao, gummy, melinda) ANYWAY. i shall stop.
Monday, August 28, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? Random
&; HEAR WHAT? moronmoronmoron?
Hey pple! Rivali here. Its the first time I'm blogging here. [Sarah, stop slapping urself and regretting the fact that you ever gave me the password.] I was going to say something. but I forgot what it was. Anyways, I was thinking of posting some quotes, but I dunno, since this is like, an official blog and all that, so Sarah, get back to me on that one, k?
Okay, I still can't remember what I was gonna - oh wait! I do! Okay!
I posted this on my blog too...
The 2e drink.
-One part hardcore alcoholic beverage
-One part Cranbery Vodka
-One part evil
-One part maniacism
-One part studies
-One part torturing teachers
-One part nonsense
-One part friendship
-One part laughter
-One part love <33333Mix them all together, and you get a highly delicious drink which can never ever be replicated, will never be forgotten and will always be loved. :]2e rocks! We rock, we stone, we pebble, we boulder, we mountain we - okay, stopitrivstopitrivstopitriv.
Oh, and speaking of Teachers' Day [which I am
really looking forward to. Why, you may ask? Well, ask away, you'll only get an evil grin and a bit of maniacal laughter in reply] So yeah. Teachers Day. I DO NOT have a flowery little t-shirt. So i'm wearing a black t-shirt which looks a bit depressing and suicidal but has dark pink FLOWERS on it, okay? And is anyone volunteering to go and but garlands from somewhere? If you are, tell me!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
More class party stuff...
&; FEEL WHAT? {sleepy}
&; HEAR WHAT? {Kiss the Girl; Samuel E. Wright}
See the mass of words below? that's our food list for the class party. If you want any amendments, please type in the tagboard by the
31st Aug, 2006. I believe its a thursday? Yeah because I need to re-email them to get an edited list.
For the venue, if you guys are still unclear, it should be at
Pasir Ris. But if you all have any last-minute changes, tell me okay? (: I still want it at my house ahhahahhahaha [I seriously don't mind cleaning up after that.
As you all know, this is the last year where all of us can be together. So we should treasure this chance and bond.
My mummy says that we can have tiramisu and chocolate eclairs if its at my house [I love making tiramisu :D :D], because apparently if I bring them to Pasir Ris they'll spoil -.-.
[But it's quite unfair for those who live far away from my house. Sigh]Anyway, here's the food list [its so teeny here..]. If you guys want to omit any foods, just tag. Or want to add more to the list, go ahead too!

By the way, I'm already going to cancel the chicken wing. Because I can bring those nice ones which I brought in may, along with some spare ribs. This time Astrid, you can eat as many as you want :D
For our veggie buddies, there's vegetarian satay and etc. Do you all want corn & sweet potato? Or a salad [no
salad, not you]? We can add that into the list.
Don't worry if the budget exceeds. Just order whatever you guys want.
I'll be passing around the class tee design again tomorrow, so write your comments like shirt colour/font/etc.
Then we can wear the shirts during the party! :D :D
Sorry if this is getting annoying to you all.
"qi shi man gan ren de ah. man gan ren de." [quote: everyone's favourite teacher]
Sunday, August 20, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? bored.
&; HEAR WHAT? nothing.
Hello! Hui Ting here! Lame things below la~
Why didn't Hello Kitty say hello to Doraemon when Doraemon said hi?
Because Hello Kitty has no mouth.
Why didn't Doraemon say hi to Hello Kitty when Hello Kitty said hi?
Because Doraemon has no ears.
Why doesn't Doraemon want to play sissors paper stone with Hello Kitty?
Because Doraemon's hand is always a rock shape.
P.S. Go check it out for yourself and see whether hello kitty has no mouth and whether doraemon has no ears! HAHAHAHA.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Life Science stuffie wuffie
&; FEEL WHAT? {lalala}
Uploading the Life Science photos! :D :D
still uploading... *yawn*
In the meantime, the teacher's day vid is so nice! hee hee.
to be bimbotic, I shall say that it is LOVE. Credits to Salad for doing the photos, and sorry I had to use some awful and disgusting music. I think I'll upload the video into my photobucket account tomorrow when Salad passes me the full thing [I went off early, because my mummy was waiting] and then put it on my xanga as a
protected post so that only 2E people can see it with the password :D :D
Okay, about the class party.
While you guys were chasing frisbees/getting whacked left right centre by them, Zoe and I decided that the class party should be held at Sentosa, or at downtown east.
We're going to book a Chalet there. You people come at about 4pm, then we play all our random games, have the BBQ at about 6pm+, well into the evening. Then if you guys want, we can also have a
movie marathon! That, naturally, is if you guys are fine with the idea of staying there overnight. It'll be fun, and your parents can pick you up the next day.
After all, exams will be over and there will be 36 girls together! Quite safe right.
I'm thinking of getting waterbombs [astrid! your plastic bags remember hahahhaha] and we can play volley ball and all. But BBQ-ing at Sentosa Beach itself is not allowed, so we can BBQ at the chalet.
There's this place called the One-Stop BBQ market. They sell wholesale, and I can get them to customize this package for us so that the cost price for food will only be about $5 per person.
Here's their website:
http://www.bbqwholesale.com/And for our chalet, I think it'll cost about $150 in total at Downtown East. Dunno about Sentosa, but here's the webbie for Downtown east:
http://www.holidaycity.com/downtown-east-singapore/Respond at the Tagboard, thanks.
[EDIT]I can't seem to be able to upload the photos onto
blogger, so here are the URLS.
They are grouped according to which electrophorosis [sp?] machine you used. for example, register 21-24 used machine 16, so their photo will be labelled
2E 16.
2E 1 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/25e808ce.jpg]
2E 2 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/8b1ca4f2.jpg]
2E 3 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/7489ea69.jpg]
2E 4 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E4.jpg]
2E 6 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E6.jpg]
2E 7 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E7.jpg]
2E 8 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E8.jpg]
2E 15 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E15.jpg]
2E 16 [http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k288/scandalouspants/2E16.jpg]
yup, that's it(:
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? serious (yes i am)
&; HEAR WHAT? my fan
If you remember the school rules quiz you did during e-learning week, you might remember this question:
14. I will be booked if I defame a teacher on my blog.The answer?
Many 2e people post about teachers. Some censor, some dont. This is particularly directed at those of you who
don't. Why? Simply because it's not nice to post about your teachers on a public blog.
Do you remember Mr seow telling us that we shouldn't post bad things about our parents lest they find our blogs and read it? Well, same thing applies here.
you are a teacher and one day you stumble upon a blog in which the student talks about how terrible and annoying you are and other such hurtful comments. How would you feel? It would hurt. The student doesn't
care that you've read it. It doesn't matter to her one bit. In fact, the next day in school you mention having visited her blog. Yet, that same day you return to her blog only to find more comments about not just you, but many of your colleagues. How would you feel?
Think about it. Put yourself in Mr Seow's skin, and walk around in it (TKAM hehe)... I'm not going to pinpoint anyone. You know who you are. I visit all of the 2e people's blogs, so I know who you are as well. So this is just a warning that I really hope you heed. Changing your blog address will NOT help...
Rivali impostered Mr Seow that time telling us not to defame teachers. You know, while it is really un-Mr Seow to do that, I think it's some sort of... visage you know. He cant possible be totally unaffected by our comments. He just doesn't show it. Really, I think in his heart that's what he feels... And of course its true becuase it
is a bookable offence. You also go for counselling.
So, my point is, stop defaming your teachers on your blogs. If you really feel you need to let it out, do it some other way. bang the tables, bang the keyboard, throw things,
get into a catfight - but dont defame them. If you reaaaally want to post about them, have at least some tact and CENSOR THEIR NAMES. So for example (fictional),
a. wah lao that Mrs Blah lah! she scolded all of us for blah blah blah! She's so stupid i cant stand her!!
b. wah lao that _____ lah! she scolded all of us for blah blah blah! She's so stupid i cant stand her!!
USE OPTION B. Mrs blah would not be pleased if she saw option a... you know what i mean right?
Yeah. Sorry I added such a serious post to the blog, but I think it's really a matter that HAS to be addressed... Oh and we really need to stop being so disruptive in class... XD yes I know... I am one of the disruptive people. I'll try to stop. Really... :D
-- salad
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Something important(:
&; FEEL WHAT? {sick):}
&; HEAR WHAT? {In a Second; Aly&AJ}
Hey there 2E, I have an important announcement to make.
Hopefully our class T-shirt design will be up by Monday, then I can get it printed [you all must remember to pay].
[I hate the stupid doctor's for being closed yesterday. sigh made me live on panadol and now I feel so ill. WHEN DOES MY SISTER'S TUITION END SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BRING ME TO THE DOCTOR'S]When do you want the class party? Last day of school [Oct 26] or last day of exams [TBC]?
Please tell me kay. We're going to have a potluck. Like different people bring different things.
Oh I need help for games too :D
You know, if our class party's at my house, we can also dunk people into the pool. But then again, my house is too far for a lot of people. Yup, that's it. don't think i'll be in school tomorrow, I'm feeling too ill.
&; FEEL WHAT? {good looking}
&; HEAR WHAT? {.............}
hello hello this is astrid ha ha i did some crap drawings. ahahaha. (:

russell feels good
russell blanket
ha ha ha
russell says
go eat some crap!hahaha
yeah right
anyway i feel good today... haha
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I shall abuse my authority
&; FEEL WHAT? {blah}
&; HEAR WHAT? {Protecting me; Aly & AJ}
Jermaine here.
Don't ask why the title is what the title is, I just felt like typing that =D
I really don't know what I'm doing here..So, for our upcoming class party,
which will be organised by yours truly which the class shall organize together, where do you want it to be?
East Coast perhaps?
Or we should simply book a chalet at some random place really far away from civilisation. I will find out the exact address. [this feels like PW - I just said that sentence 2 weeks ago] naturally, the cost too - and we can decide if we still want to go there.
I was planning on hosting it IMMEDIATELY after the EOYS. So like, firstly, we find out when our EOY ends, we plan for the party, we study for the EOYS, and we party.
I know, the english is horrendously terrible, but I couldn't resist =D
I know my mummy can buy those yummy chicken wings we had in may [don't worry - i think she'll get more this time] and yeah we can plan all that later.
I'm sorry Mr Seow, but seeing you sign off as Melvin gets me cracking up.I was feeling unwell all day, and my mum told me not to risk it. Not feeling too good now, though, but it'll recover. thanks for your concern =)
Hi Jermaine,Thanks for the poster.
I tried calling you this morning to remind you to send the poster.anyway, just wanted to confirm that I've received it.
are you sick today? Hope you feel better.rest well.
Best Regards,
CONFIDENTIALITY: If this email has been sent to you by mistake, please notify the sender and delete it immediately. As it may contain confidential information, the retention or dissemination of its contents may be an offence under the Official Secrets Act.
&; FEEL WHAT? {mood?}
&; HEAR WHAT? {music?}
GEOGRAPHY (if u haven't done)
MUSIC (compose jap music?!)
STUPID TEO LEE LEE's HOMEWORK (jianbao or whatever)
i think that's abt it ppl. tell me if have more :P
Saturday, August 05, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? {i don't know}
&; HEAR WHAT? {erm, i also don't know}
Hello (: I think this is my second time blogging on this blog (: YAY.
Anyways, I wanted to ask you guys whether you wanted to do some gathering, but of course not this national day cause it's too late already right. I thought maybe besides ice skating (which not everyone can do) we should EAT (: As in have fun barbeque-ing (: I CHOPE (spelling?) to barbeque the satays if we do have a barbeaue (: We should just have some fun together as 2E before everyone disperses next year right? Not that we haven't had any fun together already (:
So anyway, any ideas? FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. Erm, I'm feeling high now. Movie marathon at someone's house? POPCORN! HEHHHHHHHH. Ah wells. Welfare IC! It's her job right? Or is it....
I can't remember. Anyways, it's getting late now, WHEEEE~
P.S (do we have any weekend homework?)
Thursday, August 03, 2006
&; FEEL WHAT? ^^
&; HEAR WHAT? Ichirin no Hana - HaMC
Hello everyone! Since the pictures from the previous post kinda blocks some stuff or... makes some stuff weird... I have decided to post! HELLO!
We have a new visitor to this blog and he is Mr Seow. Say hello to mr seow!
Anyway... I'm so sad that so few of you turned up for the musical... I know it was super ex but it's also super nice :D You get to see Esther dancing (humping the floor). And Jin yee acting. And Ivfen, Lala, Xiao and I ushering! LOL.
But truly... it was magnificent! God really worked in this musical, as you've probably heard from like.. everywhere. LOL. Like Mrs Yap said... yesterday during devotions? if you even bother to listen to devotions? Hahaha
Hrm. Start of Art Exam tomorrow right. Sigh. I can draw but I can't paint for nuts...
Hm as you can tell I'm just trying to make this longer so the post below wil get pushed further down. Hehe. Oh thanks TINGGGG for adding more links to the sidebar! ^^
Oh and how's the japanese music composing? Lol. Anata-tachi no nihon no ongaku no merodi wo kikyoukusuru wa dekinai no ka? Watashi no guruupu no merodi wa totemo... totemo.. DISGUSTING. AHHAHA.
-who else?
Poor Farmer Nabel